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Audiovisual installation brings activism from Lesvos to Nijmegen

Last weekend visitors of De Kaaij dived into the world of autonomous living on Lesvos. The gate to this peculiar world was a metal container under the bridge. This container housed an audiovisual installation featuring a fragment of Laura’s documentary “Lesvos: beautiful prison”.

Once you step into the container, you immediately feel confined by its walls. Likewise feel thousands of refugees who are stranded on the Greek island. Time is relative and uncertain like the amount of chapati bread which the viewer sees being made by a collective of volunteers and migrants.

The sneak preview of Laura’s film was also a moment of coming together for our collective after the summer holiday. We prepared and hosted the installation. The fragment got the curiosity of visitors. The premiere will be on 16th of September in Nijmegen. Stay tuned for more details via Facebook here and here.

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